Sunday, May 8, 2016

How to delete iPhone IOS "Photo Stream" or "My Photo Stream"
After lots of attempts and checking Apple forums , I was able to delete my iPhone 5s "My Photo Stream". Following process will delete everything in your photos of iOS i.e. Panaroma photos , Videos and photo streams. So Just make sure you backup your photos before delete.

  1. In Iphone Go to iCloud -> Photos -> My photo Stream. Turn this on.
  2. Login to Apple iCloud site from PC browser. iCloud site opens only from desktop not from mobile. Click here ->     After login check the photos. Here now either you will see library photos or not.
  3. If you have iCloud Photo Library enabled already then turn it off. It will prompt that all photos will be deleted. Say yes and you are done.
  4. If you have iCloud Photo Library disabled then follow same navigation in Iphone Go to iCloud -> Photos -> iCloud Photo Library and turn it on. It will prompt that all photos will be deleted. Say yes and you are done.
  5. Check your iPhone photos and you will see all photos removed. Now turn off "iCloud Photo Library" and "My Photo Stream" again to save memory and turning off iCloud backup.

Hope this helps to you as well.